About me
. Projects Some examples of what I have been up to over the years
. Skills
. Employment Organisations I have been employed by or contracted to
I am a dedicated, vastly experienced technologist with a love of computing, working at all levels from VP engineering to Developer.
Over the last few years, I have enjoyed building on my technical experience in payments to architecture and management.
I am writing this blog to share some of that knowledge and my interest in technology.
What I really love about technology is working through how systems come together from when I first started writing games on my ZX Spectrum to writing Microservices within the cloud.
Over the years the tools have changed from procedural languages running on legacy systems to Kubernetes. The general principle of breaking requirements down into blocks of input, processing, and output still runs true.
I enjoy a challenge from competing in the Pi Wars robotic challenge at Cambridge University to creating a smart home heating system. More recently my challenges have been in management from defining the architectural direction of the platform to establishing a new offshore team.
Along the way I have mentored others, be it young people through volunteering as part of the CodeDojo program to junior colleagues. I feel real satisfaction when you help someone understand a principle that they were having problems with.
With that in mind, I decided to start this blog to pass on some of this knowledge.